Category Archives: Idat 202

Idat 202: Arrrgh my eyes

I have done my eyes in by making up (in Fireworks CS3) the 16 playing cards that will get featured in our application. The cards include:

2 of Spades

5 of Hearts

8 of Dimonds

10 of Clubs

Jack of Clubs

10 of Hearts

9 of Spades

4 of Dimonds

King of Dimonds

7 of Dimonds

3 of Spades

Queen of Hearts

6 of Clubs

Ace of Clubs

8 of Spades

3 of Dimonds

You can find all the finish cards in my e-learning workbook…

E-learning Workbook

Idat 202: Making of card

Today I woke up and I thought, I best do some work, even if it is not loads. I decided to make the cards that we will use on our e-learning application. I thought it would be best to have the back of the card in the traditional red colour, and I just placed my own simple pattern on the back. I done this task in Fireworks CS3. You can find the finish piece in my e-learning workbook…

E-learning Workbook

Idat 202: DS game wants to join in the magic

Today whilst i was looking for DS lite games I came across a game named, Magic Made Fun.  On this game you can interactive with magic tricks and also learn them.

Here is a video i have found on YouTube, of the game trail.

Idat 202: Before Turin and Easter

We had a meeting today with Katina to discuss what our plans our before we break up for Easter.  Vicky and I plan to film the card trick being completed this week and she is going to edit it ready for it to be placed on the application, I am going to finish the design and have final templates done, and Aqeel is going to look more into Action Script and what we can do with it.

Idat 202: Draft Interface

I have quickly today done two draft Interfaces of what the menu interfaces will look like.  These are really basic, but its just so I can get an idea of how they look. You can find them in my workbook:

E-learning Workbook

Idat 202: Design Persentation

We did our presentation in front of the group and Katina today, to find a copy of it look in my workbook:

E-learning Workbook

Aqeel discussed our research into what is already out there, and how our survey went. Then I went into my storyboards, and how the application can be used. I also showed the character of the rabbit in the hat that we created, so the user has something to relate to, as this is the character who will “technically” teach the user the trick. You can find these both again in my work book:

E-learning Workbook

I felt our presentation went well. It was interesting to hear what everybody else is doing, I must say we are the only know “school” base application as everybody else is teaching Maths, or English, whereas ours is more of a hobby.

Idat 202: Research

Aqeel has been looking into what is out there.  Vicky and I also look at the beginning of this project ourselves as-well and we have all said the same thing, which is how all that is out there is just text based explanations, not any visual pieces, the only visual pieces out there are when you actually take part of the trick as the person it is being down on.

To find the website Aqeel looked into please refer to my workbook:

E-learning Workbook

you will also find a link to a video of Aqeel learning a trick off the Internet and he discuss how he feels and whether he learnt it well, very interesting!!!

Idat 202: Questionnaires

In today’s practical, we went through what sort of questions would we ash our target audience to do research into what they feel is the best way to learn what we want to teach them.

Aqeel, Vicky and I designed a questionnaire, that find out the users age, what type of education they are in( as we are asking children, they may be in Primary or Secondary School), if they know any card tricks, how they learnt it and if they would prefer to learn in another way. If the person we have asked has not done a card trick before we divert them to certain questions to still get an idea of how they would like to be tough a card trick.

We are going to conduct a survey to get a better idea of people want from an application like ours.

to find a copy of the questionnaire, look it up in my workbook:

E-learning Workbook

Idat 202: proposal

The proposal was handed in, you can find a copy in the e-learning workbook:

E-learning Workbook

We got our feed back today from Katina, she said it was OK, just maybe we could of talked about memory a little more. Next we need to think of design. We are all going to do some research. I am going to start think about layout and drawing a storyboard up, as I am the person who knows the trick we all felt that this was best for me to do.

Vicky is in charge of the filming and is going to start thinking about filming angels and the best software to use.

Whilst Aqeel is going to research what is already out there and look into action script that we could use to code our applications

Idat 204: showing the film

Katina was very interested in our film of teaching a magic trick, she like the way I tough the other two the trick. Soon the video will be uploaded as a whole film but for now here are the individual film clips:

I was talking to Katina and she was saying how this could be a nice idea to take onto for our application. I told the others on the way home and both Aqeel and Vicky agreed it would be a nice thing to take on and complete. We are thinking of using Flash as the software we will use, but we are also thinking of having a video like the film we filmed yesterday placed on the application, so the user can see the trick being done in real life as-well as through animation.

This is a are interesting module and as what we are going to teach the person is an interest of mine, I think we can really produce a good application.

Next we need to do our design proposal.