Monthly Archives: April 2008

Idat 203: its over

Huuuum its over now, didn’t go very well.  They said I had good ideas and good references.  but my end product was disappointing, which I agree with myself.  Maybe with a few more tutorials, I would of used my ideas in a better way. Oh well, cant win them all can you.  It is just a stressful time of year at the moment. Damn easter falling early this year!!!!

Idat 203: Report and Persentation done

Today I completed my report and persentation, which I am going to present tomorrow. I just wish I had more time for this module. I just guess the scheme of how the module has not helped me. I do believe my final piece is poor, and I just dont feel, excited by it at all. So I am probably going not going to be very motivated in me presentation 😦

But oh well we all have bad one….



Idat 203 Production

Adam and Shemma recorded the poems today and i edited them together in Sony Vegas

I have asked Shemma and Adam to be my voices, as Adam has a really intense voice which would work well with the Patrolling Barnegat and Shemma has a natural comforting voice that I believe will work well with the Sonnet. I used my digital camera as a recording device and it has a good microphone and always records clear. To edit the piece together i used Sony Vegas, as I find this software easy to use and I am confident with my skills within this software.
I first created two audio track, one i made pan to the left and the other the right. Then I placed Adams audio in one and Shemmas in the other. I then went through both poems and found the key places for the audios to swop. Once I had moved everything about, i faded in and out the tracks where they swopped so it creates a smoother and stereo effect.
I went onto and I downloaded some sound effects, of rough sea, a flare gun and genral nature sounds, but i felt that when i placed them in the piece it made it even hard to understand the speech audio, and became impossible to follow. I decided to leave this out for now.
I tested it though my headphone placed in the computer and onces I was happy I renders the piece as a MP3 and named it Case Study Nature Swop